RAPiD Safe Night Guard Review: Nightstand Safe Solution
RAPiD Safe Night Guard Review: Nightstand Safe Solution
RAPiD Safe Night Guard Review: Nightstand Safe Solution
Ryan Domke Last modified Jan 5th 2025


Regardless of your personal home defense setup, I think we can all agree that you need two things specifically. Quick access to your firearm(s) and a way to keep them out of unintended hands.

Especially now that we have kids, the latter is more important than ever.

Even if you are a single person, it’s still best to keep your firearm secured in case of an intruder. You never want any person to be able to get to your gun before you can. That’s where nightstand safes (like the RAPiD Safe by Hornady), floor safes, in-wall safes, etc., all come into play.

hornady rapid safe night guard review on night stand
The lamp in the picture is a smaller than average size, but you can see how nicely the Night Guard blends in on a night stand.

The Hornady RAPiD Safe Night Guard blends security and technology into a discreet and functional bedside or dresser safe. Let’s take a closer look to see if it’s the right fit for your home.

Hornady RAPiD Safe Night Guard Review

Hornady RAPiD Safe Night Guard


Exterior Dimensions3” x 12” x 10.5”
Interior Dimensions2.2” x 9.2” x 6.9”
Weight18 Pounds
Power12V 2.0A or Four AAA Batteries
USB Ports2 USB-A Ports
Entry MethodsRFID, Code and Key

Pros & Cons

I really had to think about the cons with this safe. The following pros and cons list is definitely going to look lopsided.

  • Multiple entry methods
  • Heavy duty construction
  • Quick access
  • Tech-friendly (charging ports, RFID technology)
  • Ability to turn keypad tones on/off (pet peeve of mine on ones that you cannot)
  • Inconspicuous
  • If utilizing the keypad, it’s hard to find in the dark as quickly as I’d like
  • You have to push it closed in exactly the right spot


Patented RFID Technology

For as long as I’ve used RFID technology, I didn’t know exactly what it stood for. If you’re in the same boat, it stands for Radio Frequency Identification…you’re welcome.

It’s essentially the technology that allows you to use those fancy key fobs and similar items, as opposed to having to carry around a traditional metal key or register your fingerprint. While the Night Guard does come with a backup key just in case, it offers three different types of RFID access.

You’ll get two RFID adhesive decals, one RFID watch band tag, and one RFID Key Fob tag. No more having to remember where your key is when you can have a decal on the back of your phone case or a tag on your watch band!

hornady rapid safe night guard review key options
If these aren’t enough options for you, you’re going to be out of luck looking elsewhere too!If these aren’t enough options for you, you’re going to be out of luck looking elsewhere too!

USB Ports

As bad of a habit as it is, most of us probably are on our cell phones right until we fall asleep, and then we roll over and plug it in/place it down to charge. The Night Guard features two USB-A ports to charge your cell phone and other devices.

The ports are located on the back of the safe, so you still maintain a clean aesthetic from the front.

hornady rapid safe night guard review usb charging ports
USB ports to keep cell phones and accessories charged are always welcomed around my house.

Tempered-glass Front Panel

I really like the front panel for a few reasons.

First, it looks like a simple old-school alarm clock, which is great for staying inconspicuous. Second, it’s sensitive enough to quickly input your combination without having to repeatedly hit buttons. Lastly, there is a low-battery indicator and latch closure light to ensure you’re locked and adequately powered.

It’s simple, with enough technology to make sure you’re confident with each use.


All fancy features aside, your safe needs to be reliable and provide quick access in a time of need to your firearm.

I’ve made sure to test each of the RFID options, the traditional key, and the programmed access code, all of which have consistently and quickly opened the safe. You do have to place the RFID accessories in the correct location, but with practice, it is no problem.

There were a couple of instances where I fat-fingered a number when entering the access code, but that was simply user error.

I would definitely go with the RFID options if I had to choose only one. It only takes a total of roughly 1 second from the time of placing the RFID tag to the safe to the safe being open.

When seconds matter, you need a safe that will open quickly every time.

When it comes to what you can fit inside of the Night Guard, you’ll be set with most handguns from micro-compacts to full-size options. Depending on the gun, of course, you’ll even have some spare room for additional mags, a wallet, a flashlight, or any other compact essential.

hornady rapid safe night guard review with gun inside
Pictured is my Glock 45 Gen5 with a Holosun SCS mounted, with plenty of room to spare around it.


After having this safe for a few months, I would ultimately recommend it if you plan to utilize the RFID technology.

If you plan to only use the keypad or traditional key, I would take a look at one of Hornady’s other options. That’s not to say that they don’t work fine with the Night Guard, but something such as the RAPiD Safe Keypad Vault will allow you to open quicker in the dark through raised keypads or front-mounted key slots.

I’d like to point out that you can almost always find one for well under the MSRP. As I’m writing this, I found one on a reputable website for $229. Granted, prices fluctuate by the minute, but if you look hard enough, I’m assuming you can find a comparable price.

If you’re in the market for a new compact and reliable gun safe, the Hornady RAPiD Safe Night Guard is worth checking out for yourself, especially at the right price.

Do you have a favorite bedside/nightstand safe? If so, drop which one it is in the comments!

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Ryan Domke
Ryan Domke
Ryan Domke is a freelance writer, photographer and social media consultant with a passion for guns and tactical gear. He works with some of the largest manufacturers in the firearms industry, allowing him the opportunity to continuously learn from and knowledge share with the 2A community. When he’s not spending time with his family, you’ll likely find him at the range or starting a new DIY project.
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