Holosun 507Comp Hands-on Review: Your New Competition Optic?
Holosun 507Comp Hands-on Review: Your New Competition Optic?
Holosun 507Comp Hands-on Review: Your New Competition Optic?
Ryan Domke Last modified Jan 5th 2025


For a few months now, I’ve been running the Holosun SCS on my M&P M2.0 and have been loving it.

I was starting to really get into my groove with it, and then this…this new 507Comp landed on my doorstep, and I got completely distracted by the new shiny optic.

holosun 507comp review smith wesson mp m2.0
The 507Comp doesn’t look as big as you’d expect when it’s mounted on a sizable handgun like this M&P9 M2.0 Metal.

It’s bigger, badder, and an all-around monster of an optic.

holosun 507comp vs holosun scs
The Holosun SCS on top, with the Holosun 507Comp on the bottom. Trust me, size matters here!

Even though I don’t compete at the moment, I have been thinking about getting into it sooner rather than later. However, I do shoot more than the average person and am always looking for the best optic for various scenarios.

The field of view provided by this larger window makes it also ideal for home defense. It’s a bit large for concealed carry purposes in my opinion, but I’m not telling you not to carry it if you want to!

Anyways, let’s take a closer look at what may be your next competition, home defense, or I suppose, carry optic…the Holosun 507Comp!

Holosun 507Comp Review

Holosun 507Comp


There is also a red reticle option, but I went with green because, well, green is way better, obviously!

Reticle2 MOA Dot & 8/20/32 MOA Circle
Reticle ColorGreen
Window Size1.1” x 0.87”
Dimension1.8” x 1.3” x 1.3”
Power SourceBattery
Battery TypeCR1632
Battery Life 50,000 Hours
Brightness Setting8 Daylight, 2 Night Vision
Weight1.7 Ounces
Housing Material7075 T6 Aluminum
Adjustment per Click1 MOA

Pros & Cons

  • HUGE window
  • Several reticle combinations/options
  • Night vision compatible
  • Motion activated power on/off
  • Easy to adjust
  • No solar backup
  • It’s not free

First Impressions & Range Time With the 507Comp

When I opened that wonderful Holosun box to finally put my hands on the 507Comp, I was pleasantly surprised to see how large the window was without the overall size of the optic being obnoxiously large.

I expected the optic itself to look and feel bigger, so I was happy that it seemed almost disproportional. There is no need for an excessively thick housing if it’s made from quality material like 7075 T6 aluminum.

The finish had no blemishes whatsoever and the glass was extremely clear and scratch-free.

holosun 507comp hands on review m&p m2.0
I mounted it right away and started to mess around with the various reticles.


Only more time will truly tell, but so far I’ve had no issues. All of the reticles and brightness levels work as intended, and after 400-500 rounds through my M&P M2.0 with the 507Comp mounted, it has stayed secured and zeroed.

holosun 507comp hands on review range test
You can’t do a real review without testing the goods, right?


Of course, accuracy is also dependent on variables such as the shooter, the gun, and the ammo.

Still, the optic is meant to take your accuracy to the next level. If pinhole accuracy is your main goal, stick with the 2 MOA dot. If you’re trying to stay on target at varying distances and transition between targets with speed, I would also suggest pairing that dot with one of the larger circles.

Either way, you’ll be covered with this sight.

So far, I’ve only shot within 25 yards, but I’ve had no issues at all with keeping tight groupings and transitioning quickly between my targets. I’d be confident with some steel plates out at 50, 75, or 100 yards, that I’d be hitting them with no problem.

holosun 507comp hands on review with groupings
It took one magazine to get the 507Comp dialed in. This small grouping consisted of my first few shots afterward, at 12 yards, with no rest.


Competition Reticle System (CRS)

holosun 507comp reticle option
Here you can see the different circles to choose from. You can also order it in red. (Photo courtesy of holosun.com)

The new Competition Reticle System is one of my favorites across any sight out there.

Your first decision is if you want it in red or green. I personally, always go with green. Then you have options for a 2 MOA dot, an 8 MOA circle, 20 MOA circle, and a 32 MOA circle, or a combination of the dot plus a circle.

After testing each one at the range, I’ve found myself favoring the 2 MOA dot paired with either the 20 MOA circle or 32 MOA circle. I’ve found the larger circle helps me get on target quicker, while the dot helps me hone in my shot.

Shake Awake Technology

Holosun’s Shake Awake Technology is just what it sounds like, you shake the optic and it “wakes up”. At the slightest sense of motion, the optic instantly powers on quicker than you can raise it to aim.

It also will shut the optic off after a user-programmed time period of motionlessness. In the event you’d rather power the optic on yourself every time, you can completely deactivate the Shake Awake.

Side-loading Battery

If it’s not a side or top-loading battery, I don’t want it!

That’s a bit dramatic, but I despise having to remove an optic to simply change a battery. Thankfully, that’s not an issue with the 507Comp since its side-loading.

You don’t have to worry about finding a specific tool either to remove it. A simple flat-head screwdriver will do just fine.

holosun 507comp close up on smith wesson mp m2.0
I’ll take a top-loading battery too, but don’t come at me with an undermount battery.

Large Window

I know it’s already been mentioned a couple of times, but it is one of the main features so we might as we touch on it a bit more.

Even though I’m not old in the literal sense, I definitely feel like I am and prefer to make it as easy on my eyes as possible when shooting. The 1.1” x 0.87” window makes it much easier to not only acquire your target, but get a better sense of where on the target you’re aiming.

It could just be in my head, but I also feel like a larger window helps with eye fatigue too, from not having to focus on such a small area.

holosun 507comp close up green dot reticle
I almost always will run a dot/circle combination when given the option.

Score Card

Reliability (10/10)  

I’ve only had it for a little while, but it always powers on when I even slightly move it, it has stayed zeroed and all of the reticles have worked great.

Customization (9/10)

Several reticle sizes, brightness settings, and you’re able to adjust the Shake Awake feature.

Appearance (8/10)

Smooth lines, rounded edges, and the buttons blend in nicely.

Value (9/10)

It might be a while until you can find a site with them in stock, but some have them listed as low as $369, which is a great price for the features and quality you’ll get with the 507Comp.


Trijicon SRO

Trijicon SRO

One of the most popular competition optics on the market is the Trijicon SRO (Specialized Reflex Optic). Whether you need extreme precision or very quick acquisition, there are models with a 1 MOA, 2.5 MOA, and 5 MOA red dot to choose from.

They all have eight brightness settings, including two night vision modes and one super bright mode. A top-loading battery allows you to keep your optic zeroed at all times, and it has a “lock-out”/”lock-in” mode to secure either the auto-brightness setting or user-chosen brightness setting.

Based on the setting four of eight, you should see up to a three-year battery life. Don’t worry about shooting inclement weather either, as it’s waterproof up to 10 feet.



The ROMEO3MAX was the priciest of the bunch, with an original MSRP of $909.99 but it has been lowered to $709.99.

It features a 3 MOA or 6 MOA dot, both of which have 10 daytime and two night vision compatible brightness settings. Sig’s MOTAC (Motion Activation Illumination System) technology will power up the optic once motion is sensed and turn the optic off once no motion has been detected, saving battery.

If the 20,000 hour battery does run out, you don’t have to worry about removing your optic to replace it, as it’s a side-loading for quick and easy access. Lastly, it’s IPX-7 rated and backed by Sig’s Electronic Component Limited 5-Year Warranty, so you should be able to rest easy for a long time.


The Holosun 507Comp is large, in charge, and won’t put you on a Ramen noodle diet from spending all of your money.

Holosun has been proving itself to be one of the top players in the industry while continuously putting out new products such as this one.

I see myself running this optic for a long time to come on either a home defense pistol or a potential competition pistol. So whether you’re a competition shooter or not, you should do yourself a favor and check out the 507Comp.  

icon Written By
Ryan Domke
Ryan Domke
Ryan Domke is a freelance writer, photographer and social media consultant with a passion for guns and tactical gear. He works with some of the largest manufacturers in the firearms industry, allowing him the opportunity to continuously learn from and knowledge share with the 2A community. When he’s not spending time with his family, you’ll likely find him at the range or starting a new DIY project.
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