4 Best Lever Action Rifles In 2025
4 Best Lever Action Rifles In 2025
4 Best Lever Action Rifles In 2025
Brady Kirkpatrick Last modified Feb 9th 2025
winchester model 94Winchester Model 94Check Price
marlin model 336Marlin 336W Check Price
Browning BLR Lightweight Rifle Browning BLR Lightweight RifleCheck Price
Henry Classic Lever-Action RifleHenry Lever-ActionCheck Price

Lever action rifles are iconic and are still a viable choice for anyone looking to add a rifle to their collection. For me, it is a nostalgia thing that brings me back to shooting with my dad, so I prefer this type of rifle over others. 

There are a lot of options to choose from, and so I have put together a list of my favorites as well as some information that may help you find the best lever action rifle.

What is a Lever Action Rifle?

Remember in those old west movies the rifle that the cowboys would fire across the field during that epic final battle? Those are lever action rifles. This type of rifle uses a long lever in the center of the gun to load new shells and spit out the used ones.

The lever is fixed to the rifle’s bolt, and this connection loads the bullet into the chamber to be fired. These types of rifles use cylindrical magazine casing that is housed under the barrel. 

Best Lever Action Rifles

So, armed with those features to guide me, I sifted through various lever action rifles. Here are the five I believe provide the most value.

Winchester Model 94 Carbine Rifle

Winchester Model 94 Carbine Rifle


Features and Specs

  • Caliber – 30/30
  • Capacity – 7 +1
  • Barrel length – 20”
  • Length of pull – 13.5”
  • Finish (barrel) – blued
  • Finish (stock) – American walnut
  • Sights (front) – bead 
  • Sights (rear) – semi-buckhorn
  • Tapped and drilled 
  • Weight – 6.75 lbs.
  • Shorter in length
  • Lightweight
  • Classic aesthetic
  • Reputation of brand
  • Expensive
  • Value

This lever action rifle is the OG 30/30 that helped shape America. Though the version we are discussing today is the modern one, it still has a lot of the same qualities as that truly iconic rifle.

When looking at the rifle, you won’t see a lot of significant changes, but they are there. Most of these innovations come in the metallurgy and casting methods used in its construction.

Winchester Model 94 Saddle Ring Carbine (4)

The focus on staying true to the original is a nice touch that adds a little bit of an aesthetic appeal. The fit and finish are just as good as the first time this rifle came off the assembly line.

As for its performance, the company has stayed true to its reputation. It’s reliable and also one of the most accurate lever action rifles compared to its competitors. The downside is you will pay for all that history and performance.

Winchester Model 94 Saddle Ring Carbine
Winchester Model 94 Saddle Ring Carbine (2)

Marlin 336W 

Marlin 336W 


Features and Specs

  • Capacity – 6
  • Barrel length – 20”
  • Sights – brass bead (front) / folding semi-buckhorn (rear)
  • Side ejection
  • Caliber – 30/30
  • Weight – 7 lbs.
  • Ambidextrous offset hammer spur
  • Affordable
  • Multiple pistol grip options
  • Accuracy
  • Excellent sights
  • Drilled and tapped
  • Micro-groove rifling
  • Nice balance
  • May need to be customized
  • Lacks extra features

Opting to focus more on the performance then the look Marlin has delivered the 336W. This rifle is a riff on the classic Marlin rifle of yesteryear and though made in a simple design, it still looks stunning. The beauty of these pieces lies in the delicate combination of features and balance.

Marlin 336W 30-30 Lever Action (5)
Marlin 336W 30-30 Lever Action (4)

It is a little heavy, but when you look at the swing, the balance, and the range, all that becomes a moot point. This makes it the perfect choice for someone new to the lever action rifle world. 

Marlin 336W 30-30 Lever Action (3)

The price point is super affordable when put up against other rifles of the same caliber. So, in my opinion, if you are looking for a reliable, durable, and traditional-looking rifle, there are few better than the Marlin 336W, especially if you don’t have a lot of money to throw around.

Marlin 336W 30-30 Lever Action (2)
Marlin 336W 30-30 Lever Action

Browning BLR Lightweight Rifle

Browning BLR Lightweight Rifle


Features and Specs

  • Caliber – 270
  • Capacity – 4 +1
  • Barrel length – 22”
  • Length of Pull – 13.75”
  • Finish – Polished blued
  • Stock – Walnut (gloss grade)
  • Sights – open sights
  • Drilled and tapped for scope
  • Weight – 7.25 lbs.
  • Fold-down hammer w/ two-position 
  • Deluxe recoil pad
  • Good for large game
  • Amazing sights
  • Lightweight
  • Built-in side ejection port
  • Drilled and tapped
  • Durability
  • Nice smooth action
  • Good accuracy
  • Might be too powerful for some
  • Lengthy lever draw

Browning is a name most gun owners are very familiar with; after all, it has been building quality firearms for over a century. Over that time, they have really honed in on what makes a great gun.

Browning BLR (5)
Browning BLR (4)

This lightweight rifle is designed for percussion and durability. The accuracy of the fine craftsmanship is stellar, and the smooth action only serves to help that accuracy reach new levels. 

That coupled with the inclusion of open sights, and you end up with a great option for any hunter. It packs a wallop too, so it works great even on big game.

Browning BLR (3)

Power is good, especially when hunting something like an elk, but that power can also be one of its drawbacks. The recoil may be too much for those that are a little smaller or slighter of the frame.

Browning BLR (2)
Browning BLR

Henry Lever-Action

Henry Lever-Action


Features and Specs

  • Caliber – 410
  • Barrel length – 20”
  • Capacity – 5
  • Finish – matte blued
  • Stock – walnut
  • Weight – 7.35 lbs.
  • Slip-resistant ventilated butt pads
  • Butt pad is ventilated
  • Non-slip grip
  • Handle recoil well
  • Five shot magazine
  • Built-in brass sight
  • Sling swivel studs
  • Limited shell compatibility (only 2.5”)
  • Not suitable for large game
Henry 410 Lever Action Shotgun (5)
Henry 410 Lever Action Shotgun (2)

These modern twists are what really made me fall in love with this rifle. It is fitted with a ventilated rubber butt pad that absorbs the recoil of the rifle quite well. Plus, it keeps your armpit cool when you are rapidly firing.

Henry 410 Lever Action Shotgun (3)

It is also created with swing swivel studs, so if you want to attach a sling, you can. All of these awesome features are why I knew it had to have a home on this list. There are a few issues, though. It is designed only to take 2.5” shells, and, in truth, is not powerful enough for big game. So, if that is what you are looking for, you may be better suited to check out one of the other options above.

Henry 410 Lever Action Shotgun (4)
Henry 410 Lever Action Shotgun

Benefits of a Good Lever Action Rifle

I know a lot of people may wonder why the heck I like these rifles and not some of the more modern styles. There are a lot of great benefits (other than nostalgia) that you can take advantage of when opting to use a lever action rifle. 

Here are some of my favorites:

Hunting and Sporting

Surprisingly, this type of rifle is used worldwide for sporting and hunting. They have a wide variety of caliber choices that open up their versatility of use, including the larger .45-70 cartridge, which can be used for big-game hunting. 

The quickness of firing also ups the chances of actually hitting your target. They are super popular with forest and game personnel, as well as hunters.


Once again, the variety of calibers is a big advantage. This gives them the ability to be used for multiple purposes. They can be used for outdoor activities, target practice, or even for home defense.

Rate of Fire

This type of rifle, in comparison to its cousin, the bolt action, offers faster rates of fire. Along with that, you don’t have to re-sight every time you chamber a new round, as you do with a bolt action. This allows you to shoot either from the shoulder or from the hip easily.


The materials used in construction and the overall blueprint for most lever action rifles lend themselves to creating one tough product. The design also tends to be more compact than other rifles, which makes them great for use while horseback riding.

How to Choose the Right Lever Action Rifle

In order to create my list of the best lever action rifles, I had to really narrow down what makes for a good one. In the end, the list below is what I came up with and used to pick the five lever action rifles I review below.

Here are the four factors I used:


The most important thing when looking at any firearm is the reliability of accuracy. Lever action rifles are typically used in outdoor activities like hunting and so the importance of this feature doubles. In fact, to make a clean shot, accuracy needs to be top-notch.

Reliability is also in regards to durability and balance. You want your gun to be balanced so that the accuracy and precision are always on point. You also want a gun that is made to last as most are not cheap.


You want a model that is easy to clean even when you are out in the field. The design should allow for you to do a quick disassembly and clean every bit and piece of the rifle without too much difficulty. 

Maintenance is important, as well. You might want to pay attention to how easy it is to get replacement pieces if needed. 


The look has very little to do with the functionality of the gun. However, it is nice to have a gun that looks good and is functional. The appeal is a matter of taste. 

I personally like a nice dark wood stock with a polished blue barrel. If the stock has a little detailing, that’s a nice touch as well. It makes me feel like I am back in my grandpa’s boots wearing his hat running around the yard with my replica cap gun. That’s just a cool feeling.


Another major factor is if the rifle is customizable to your taste and upgradeable to make it more efficient. The first customization you may want to look for is the ability to mount a rifle’s scope. So, when you are looking for a lever action rifle, you will want to find one that has been tapped and drilled. 

There are, of course, other upgrades and customizations possible like engraving or changing the barrel.


Choosing the right lever action rifle, much like with most firearms, may rely on what you are looking to use it for and personal preference. Any of the above rifles are good choices, but in my opinion, the best rifle for the money is the Marlin 336W

It is affordable and offers a value that far exceeds the budget-friendly price. The rifle offers accuracy and reliability, and though simple still is a nice piece to add to your collection. For me, all that merges to form one of the best lever actions available today.

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Brady Kirkpatrick
Brady Kirkpatrick
Brady Kirkpatrick is the founder of Gun Made, the #1 online gun search engine. Recognizing the challenges of finding the right firearm at the right price, Brady built a platform to simplify the process, comparing prices across hundreds of online dealers and providing valuable content from trustworthy bloggers. His commitment to user-centricity and innovation has shaped Gun Made into a comprehensive resource for gun enthusiasts. In addition to Gun Made, Brady has also lent his firearm expertise to an array of renowned publications, such as The Truth About Guns, CrossBreed Holsters, Cheaper than Dirt, 19FortyFive, We Are The Mighty, and many others.
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